Hoogstins Bookcase (filled with books)
Hoogstins Bookcase (filled with books)
Kinkerstraat 117
Kinkerstraat 117
1053 DL Amsterdam
Are you looking for a nice gift for your (future) grandchild or niece / nephew, for example? Or do you want to surprise your own child with the ultimate gift? Then get all the classics at home with the Hoogstins bookcase!
For only € 250, you get 14 classic children's books (In the Dutch language!) and a cool book house to keep them in.
Which books are in the bookcase?
Rupsje Nooitgenoeg, Monkie, Wij gaan op Berenjacht, Welterusten Kleine Beer, Nijntje op se Mokums, Het grote flapjesboek van Kikker, Jip and Janneke, Kikker en Pad, Pippi Langkous, Daantje de wereldkampioen, Saartje Tadema, Brief voor de koning, Lampje and Meester van de zwarte molen.